Mixsonian Larry


   I started working with wood at an early age, scrounging wood from around the neighborhood for some project.   As a teenager I made a boat which my brother and I took down to Hogtown creek to explore.  I started building furniture after moving out on my own building a desk, coffee table and a pair of three-foot-high speakers.  I as I got got older my projects became more sophisticated as seen below.   

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Coffee Table DesignCoffee table - 1974

Folding Table DesignComputer table - 1978

TV Cabinet TV Cabinet - 2009

Porch SwingPorch Swing 2019

Headboard Headboard 2020

Trestle TableTrestle Table and Benches - 2019

Patio Chairs Patio Chairs - 2021

EndtablesEnd tables - 2014 

BedBed - 2003

TV Cabinet - 2001

small tablesSmall Tables - 2014

small tablesSmall Tables - 2014

BenchBench 2024