Dad's ticket stub from the game
In October Mom, Dad, Betty and Billy went to see the Gator football game which was at Auburn in Alabama which the Gators lost 12 to 14. They got home late Sunday night and then went to work at the University on Monday morning. When they got home from work just after 5 PM they found that their van was missing. Mom called Betty, who lived one street over and asked if she had seen it when she drove by mid Monday morning and she said she hadn’t. After several months of not finding it, the insurance company paid them for the van and they bought a new “Trans Van” which was larger and a step up from their Dodge van that was stolen. This was the second in a series of campers that increasingly got larger. Eight years later the police told Mom and Dad they found the stolen van out west somewhere and showed them pictures of it in pretty bad shape, so Dad told them they didn’t want it back.
van that was stolen
with their new Trans Van in the driveway of their house
Updated: 06-04-2023