Mixsonian Larry   

Mixon-Mixson Genealogy

By John Leslie Mixson

  John Leslie Mixson originally published three volumes of the Mixon-Mixson Family

Volume I    - 1969
Volume II   - 1972
Volume III  - 1975

Each of the three volumes included not only new material but additions and corrections to the previous volumes.  To make the original of three volumes material more cohesive, I combined all three volumes.  This “single” combined volume became very large and hard to manage so I subdivided it into two volumes the first which contains the male Mixon-Mixson descendants and the second volume that contains the daughters of Mixon-Mixson’s and their descendants with non Mixon-Mixson surnames.  

I have included below the original Dedication and Forward sections from each of these books.  

Larry Mixson

Volume I
By John Leslie Mixson

This book represents a compilation of Mixson - Mixon lines of genealogy, most of which has been handed me by a few descendants that were interested and who had some information - traditional or written - that they could put together, and to these few I am very grateful.
At the beginning of the study, I was primarily interested in Mayown line, which as told to me, had carried me back to my great, great grandfather, and the place where he lived. Court records, census records, conveyance records all verified all that had been told me. One old aunt, then in her 90's, (died in the 1940's) said she thought great grandfather's, mother was a Barrow, she wouldn't be for sure. I found that it was my great grandmother's mother that was a Barrow. So, tradition gets out of line sometimes and I believe some wrong conclusions are reached (hastily) before all facts and records are known.
I have placed Micha Mixon of Darlington as a son of John Mixon IV. Someone has placed him as a younger brother to John IV, and as son of John III. Perhaps this was based on the Craven County, NC Court minutes stating that Michael Mixon, age 12, be bound out to John Slocombe (and not knowing this Michael was b. in Va. in 1727 and was son of William and Elizabeth Mixon). William had a son named Robert, and I note another researcher said Robert was son of John and Prudence Mixon. Again, William and Elizabeth had son named Robert and it must have been this Robert at sale of John Mixon's personal assets, May 1, 1734. Four of John III's children have been identified. I hope yet to identify the other two (one of whom could have been the wife of James Morgan who took charge of John Mixon IV, then 15 years old in 1734). Another could have been Elizabeth, possibly the wife of Jos. Roads, who bought the tract of land in Carteret County, NC from George Mixon, heir at law to same (he being the oldest son). This would forego any son of John III's being named Michael. Yet, it could very well be true. If so, Michael would have been born before or by 1710, or else about 1730 by John's second wife, Joyce Cleaves Phillips.
I shall continue this study and any reader hereof that has any knowledge not shown herein, or is at variance from what is in this book, will certainly be welcome to send me such information.
The William Mixon (1683-1739), brother to John Mixon III, must have had more sons that Robert and Michael. Too, Matthew Mixon - b. 1685 in Abingdo Parish, Gloucester County, Virginia, brother to John III, and William, must have had descendants. Since John and William went to North Carolina, it might easily be ascertained that Matthew remained in Gloucester County, Va., inherited the lands and other property. Jeremiah Mixson of Chowan County, NC, could have been one of his descendants. Charles Mixon, the Revolutionary soldier killed at Battle of Brandywine could have been his brother. It is hoped some records May be found to clear this all up.


The Mixon, Mixsons, are English. Some families came from Ireland, one family from Scotland, and one from France.


If I get enough additional information, I would like to publish Volume II. Volume I has been expensive. Travel, research, court records, census records, all of which, if added to the cost of the book might make its purchase to many, prohibitive.



John Leslie Mixson

Dadeville, Alabama



Volume II  


This book is a continuation of Volume I. All references made herein to page numbers, genealogical numbers, or by both, apply to family lines named in Volume I. Those who do not have Volume I but wish to trace their ancestral lines further back, should obtain a copy.  


Volume I has a lot of content. It is well written and properly outlined and has many items of historical nature mentioned in it bearing on the lives of some of the Mixons or Mixsons. Such facts have been, for the most part, well authenticated.  


I hope I have spelled every name and copied every date exactly as sent in to me. Being human, I am afraid a number of errors will be found. May I apologize for them right now?  


May 1972                                                     JOHN LESLIE MIXSON           

                                                                      Dadeville, Alabama, 36853  



Volume III


This book (Volume III) is divided into two sections:

The first section is devoted to early records in the way of land grands, conveyances, wills and administrations, marriage records, census records, military rosters and a few service records of those serving in early wars up to and including the Civil War.  Not every county in every state has been searched, but in every county or area where a person has known to settle has been checked as carefully as possible.  Since all early records in Virginia have been listed in Vol. I and Vol. II, such records will not be repeated in this Volume.  However, a map of that part of Gloucester County, Virginia, were earliest known settlement was made by the family is shown as well as a plat of map of Gloucester town.  It seems that perhaps the said town was never built, but, possibly, it is well that all information of public records contributing to this study might well be given.  For some records in other state or counties there will be an occasional repeat of information given in the two prior volumes, the purpose of which, it is thought, would help give a better perspective.

So far as practicable it has been attempted to line up all the records on a chronological basis, state by state, as the families moved south and west with kindred and friends in the quest for newer and better lands and to establish new homes.
See remarks at the beginning of section two for the contents thereof.

                                                                        JOHN LESLIE MIXSON

                                                                         DADEVILLE, ALABAMA, 36853

"The superior man blames himself, the inferior man blames others. "(Confucius)
I don't claim to be a superior man, - if I had been, there would have been no errors in Vol. III.
(John Leslie Mixson, Dadeville, Ala., 36853)
The Mixson Song
(To be sung to the tune of Jingle Bells).
"Through the centuries, as histories unfold, we see emerge the clan of Mixons, brave and bold.
"They left the old country, their lives to start anew,
And in the great United States, the family throve and grew. "
M-I-X-S-O-N, M-I-X-O-N
Oh how glad I am to see my relatives again.
"East or West, they're the best, Sing in unison
Oh how proud I am to be an M-I-X-O-N. "