Index to Abingdon Parish Records Gloucester County Virginia 1678-1761
JOHN, son of JOHN and GRACE MIXON - b. Feb. 14, 1680, baptized shortly thereafter.
WILLIAM, son of JOHN AND GRACE MIXON, baptized Oct. 11. 1683.
MATTHEW, son of JOHN and GRACE MIXON, baptized Nov. 30, 1685.
MARY, dau. of JOHN and GRACE MIXON, baptized July 10, 1687.
JANE, dau. of JOHN and GRACE MIXON, baptized October 1, 1693.
Parish Register, Christ Church, Middlesex County, Virginia
1653 -1812, Published by National Society of Colonial Dames of America JOHN MICON, d. December 20, buried 21 December, 1720. (This only mentioned here as a possibility of its being John Mixon).
Admiralty Musters, H.M. K. "SUPERB", 1741 (Under Supernumeraries) Soldiers in Gooch's Regiment
No. 105 - EDWARD MIXON - joined the ship 9th April , 1741, discharged 10th April , 1741. (Cartagena Expedition). Regiment raised in Virginia.
No Mixons listed in the 1790 Census of Virginia.
Virginia State Records of Revolutionary War Soldiers list no Mixons.
Other early Virginia records pertaining to the Mixsons-Mixons will be mentioned later and at a more appropriate time concerning the individual involved.
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Grant to Capt. William Peirce, 360 acres (Bakers Neck, James River) August, 1643. Names of headrights listed. The list includes JON MAGSON, Jon. Snellocke, Dominick Lumbrey.
On July 21,1646, grant to George Ludlow, for-1462 acres.
On the list of headrights was
Oa Sept.25,1662, grant to William West, 2500 acres, transport for 50 persons. JNO. MIXON is one of those listed.
English Duplicates of Lost Virginia Records (Louis des Cognets).
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List of ship arrivals (York River District of Virginia) from Nov. 6,1691 to Mar.10,1692.
shippe "Orange" from hideford, Devonshire,- Daniel Perryman, Master.
Comment: William Mogson (Mixon?) was original owner of 400 acre tract in Abingdon Parish, Gloucester. County, Virginia. Some 30 years later, John Monson (Mixson) had settled on same and obtained a new grant. What was the relationship? Had the lands been abandoned by William and escheated to Virginia? If John had been his oldest son, he would have inherited same, (if the title was still valid). (John Leslie Mixson)
Records Of Coloni Al Gloucester County, Virginia, by Mason.
Page 15.
Description of grant to Major Lewis Burwell, 3400 acres, Sept.29,1680. "Beginnint: at a Mirtle Point on Carters Creek, up creek to head, up NE side of runne, through John Creeds old field & orchard, adjoining Peter
Garlands plantation to marsh side & Dr. Clarkes cleared ground to Mrs. powlins line on edge of highlands, to old quarter field side along Major Laurence Smyths land to main branch of Tymberneck Crk. W to pond and to spring by Nixons Seller south by creek w
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