Mixsonian Larry

The Mixsonian Store

The following items are available.  Orders are only accepted by old fashion written letter sent to the Mixsonian.  Additional details about any item can be requested via email at: LarryMixson@mixsonian.com

To order send letter with the following:

  1. First, Last Name

  2. Address, required for printed or media material.

  3. email - required

  4. Phone: optional

  5. Requested material (list below)

  6. Reason for requesting materials.  Optional, just for my self interest

  7. Payment: Check or Vemo only.

Send to:

The Mixsonian
8294 NW 52nd Street
Gainesville, FL  326563

1.  Deeply Rooted, The Story, Part 1, The Old Times
A printed bound copy of Part 1 of my Deeply Rooted story. Yes you can read it online here but makes a wonderful gift to those that like a hard copy to read.

Deeply Rooted Part 1

a. Printed and bound booklet 197 pages
Cost: $40.00, shipped by parcel post Priority Mail

1.   Individual genealogy:
Printed and bound document starting with specified person and listing their ancestors connecting back to John Mixon the 1st.  Document will list each ancestor, their siblings, mother, father, and tracing back though the paternal line to John Mixon the 1st. Document will include introduction by the Mixsonian (myself) and additional material about the Mixson-Mixon family.   Requires starting individual number from the genealogy listed on Mixsonain.com.
   See Example

a. Printed and bound booklet. Will include signature and personal note from the Mixsonian (myself).
Cost: $30.00 (additional costs if genealogy is more than 30 pages)

b. Electronic PDF file:
Cost: $20.00 Sent via email

2. The Old Times, by Rosalie Mixson
My grandmother Rosalie Anderson Mixson, was a unique woman with a most wonderful outlook on life which she recorded in her journals, diaries and writings. You can read her stories and writings on Mixsonian.com and now have your own printed copy of her stories.  See stories at: Rosalie Mixson

a. Printed and bound booklet only. Will include signature and personal note from the Mixsonian (myself).
Cost: $30.00

3.   The Mixon-Mixson Family, Volume II, Draft,
John Leslie Mixson draft copy of the Volume II book that John personally typed up and sent to the printers from which the book was printed from. Images from book are missing but scanned copies of actual book pages with images is included. Over 400 pages.

  1. Electronic only, Image files of scanned pages.
    Cost: $100.00 Sent via email

4.   The Mixon-Mixson Family, Volume III, Draft
John Leslie Mixson draft copy of the Volume III book that John personally typed up and sent to the printers from which the book was printed from. Images from book are missing but scanned copies of actual book pages are included.  Over 450 pages.

b. Electronic only. Image files of scanned pages:
Cost: $100.00 Sent via email

5. Genealogy research material
 Copy of orginal genealogy research material collected by John Leslie Mixson to write his books "The Mixson-Mixon Family, Volumes I,II,II".    This collection consists of image files of 31 folders of scanned documents.  Over 800 pages. See full list of folders and documents here.

a. Electronic only.
Cost: $500.00